I don't know anybody who stated SS springs were magic, shruggy

I don't find fault with guys that recommend them for certain combos.
Nor should we unintentionally imply they are stupid for doing so.

They Still have their place and are a good option for stiffening up your rear suspension, Cheap alternative too. As are Clamps and other stiffening enhances. Next step Cal tracs IMO. then ladders then 4 link, then modified extra Fancy Magical 4 link. devil

Not everybody needs to immediately jump to a 4 Link for goodness sakes.

Nor de we need to Jump to Blowers, nitrous or other power adders because any other way is just a Waste of time for building power.

There Are different levels of builds from mild to wild. Use what works easily and practical for you in those type Applications, no matter where you are on your type build.

Whether its Stock springs with clamps or the Highest dollar 4link latest fad at the moment. Lots of different configurations going on now with the 4 link. Or, the Magical SS springs. up