Originally Posted By Rob C
Is there a thread here on how fast members have gone on leaf springs?
If not, to the lead spring users, how fast have you gone on leaf springs?

A guy named Roger Laudy Who was one of the Top dogs in KOS, back in the 95, was one of the First, he was actually the second to break into the 8,s using SS leaf springs.

There were Lots of other heavy Hitters that were out there that hadn't achieved that yet. They were using 4 links and Ladders as well. But it was the lowly leaf spring that Beat All but one into the 8,s. At the time he was running 8.56 at 160 mph

There were Lots of Naysayers telling him Then, it couldn't be done, getting into the 8,s with leaf springs.

Not only did he Do it, He was one of the Firsts to do it.

Later the KOS guys were breaking into the 7,s crazy. Laudys car is still in the same configuration last I heard.