Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Some of you need to get off your high and mighty soap boxes, like you are taking up for the "little" guys and others are looking down on them..........because you are full of it.

I am not sure that more than a couple people even got the POINT of the post and the rest just went into "oh my god, got to defend mode" not even knowing what it is they are even defending against. I tried to explain the point several times and most can't see the forest for the trees. NEVER, not ONE time, did I say SS springs were a bad thing, nor a bad option. I DID say they were not magic and you could accomplish the same thing yourself with some work. Some are so damn sensitive that they want to bend everything around you say, as you are Hating on Mopar, which again isn't true

The problem is, it ain't a do it yourself world. Most people want to log in, search the web, order the stuff and have it brown trucked to their door so they can bolt it on.

While I encourage as many as possible to do it yourself, most guys are not capable of doing it themselves.

There is also the herd mentality. That is, there is only one way to do it, and if you don't do it that way, it ain't done right.

You are trying to be educational. Some of us can't be educated. No offense to those of us who are uneducatable. Myself included.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston