
For those curious about whether issues were adderssed on later kits... I've used or looked at these parts since I think about 5 (maybe 6?) years ago. The last one I used was 3 years ago, a 4.25 stroke RB pkg. As of that time no issues Bob's noted had been addressed since the first few kits a couple years prior to that. Also in regard to the bobweight stamped ont he crank... I believ that's just what the counterweights are desinged to weigh so you can tell if it needs mallory or not during the planning phase. It's not what the bobweight should be. From what I understand of Source's balancing I am curious to see if this kit really is balanced and ready to go.

The two most important details of this post as it evolves is to watch and see what needs to be checked (as opposed to plastigaging or using emery to clearance piston pins), and how much it will cost to correct the issues that need to be corrected (as opposed to some issues that are acceptable "per spec"). I do believe the kits are a good value for most buyers even after spending a little extra to get things acceptable. Not "Right." or "Perfect.", but acceptable. However "ready to run" is simply not the case.

As stated,we will assume that the stampings was for refrence,we will spin it and check it with the actual bobweight.