Here come the magazine covers...

Just another photochop... huh guys?



Per a request from MPH magazine to remove the cover picture, I am changing the image posted... anyone know how to get toothpaste back into a tube? I thought this image was taken from a subscriber copy already out there, but it sounds like it got out before showtime! I found it on various other message boards and thought everyone here ought to see it too... Also thought it was part of a planned early peek by DCX, even the spy pictures seem too good to be not allowed by DCX to some degree...

So, sorry MPH magazine and DCX... didn't mean to ... BAD XS!... GO TO YOUR ROOM AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YA DONE!

Here is what is posted in a later part of this thread by InViolent:

Hey, for what it's worth, Eddie Alterman from MPH Magazine has requested that the cover image shown on this post be taken down. I guess he's concerned with DCX's possible reaction?
I had emailed him a few questions about the article, and he asked if there was anything I could do to help him avoid getting into any hot water about that cover image. I told him I would post a request, but also that I am powerless over this situation! LOL...anyway...8 page story in MPH due out January 10th.....

Last edited by moparts; 12/02/05 10:49 AM.