
I have friends in DCX's studio... those pictures are NOT Photoshopped. That IS the real deal concept car. Which is to say, be forwarned... it IS a "concept car", but I betcha' DCX learned their lesson by teasing with one thing and then delivering another. In other words, I rather doubt they'd make the same mistake twice. One can hope, anyway!


they are testing the waters to see if there are any glaring negatives or positives. This one also looks to be more feasible(realistic) than the 99 was in terms of making it to production. I am sure they might have to change a few things if they are serious about this model but it is a dang sight better than what was shoved on us last time.

The devil will be in the details though. Stylewise it seems to be a big hit (here at least), but if it ends up as a high priced, underpowered, option laden heavy pig that cant handle it will suffer the fate of the GTO.

I am not suggesting it be made a barebones "stripper". I am hoping it will end up as a competitively priced stylish good handling, high performance car.

The Bird Some are wise, and some are otherwise... Say what you want, but in the end, it is what it is...