

A 4 door will never be an exceptional handling or performing vehichle.


The best all-around performing cars for less than $40,000 are the Evo and STi, and both of them have 4 doors. In the One Lap of America top 10, three of them had four doors (300C SRT8, SRT-4, and Evo).

Having just taken a Mustang from LA to Vegas and then to Frisco....and then had the opportunity to beat on a Charger SRT8 for 30 mins...I can tell you there is NO comparison.....absolutely NONE....the SRT drives like a gen Hi $$$$ European sports car..the Mustang drives like a sago pudding.....

and I'll say once again...DCX execs don't go winking at Joe Blow and getting all pumped over one off concepts...the new Chally WILL be a reality.
