Well----if the "spy" pictures are anything close to what DC is gonna hammer out , then I'd say that you are so very correct---Those Ford guys DON'T have a clue of how big an impact this car is gonna have on the market.
One thing for sure--- some of those guys on that Mustang forum have got their noses up "Brownsville" for sure!! Like---An 05 Mustang is the Holy Grail?? I gotta admit that they are a nice looking car and all, and they go darn good too but that is where DC has got the opportunity to surpass the Mustang.....Just build a damn good looking car with an OVER-abundance of horsepower!!! DC must have taken notice of the interest in the retro Mustang real quick because it seems that this Challenger is unfolding quicker than expected.
All I can say is " I CAN"T WAIT" !!!! Please hurry faster!!