
This is getting out of hand and it is ridiculous. Businesses’ interacting about their products is a growing problem here on Moparts.

If a business needs to comment on their product on a web board they should be objective and to the point as possible. They should respect their competitors and talk about their products only. I don’t want to see a debate (catfight) between businesses on Moparts.

If this get worse this place will just be a [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean]-fest, with disguised shill members here to pump products services. It sort of happening now, just very thinly veiled. Not including any of the businesses mentioned in this post.

When any business comes on here implying or saying their product is the best, most of the time there is a backlash with pot shots. Just like what John B is trying to defend. It really may be the best, but that just puts a product on the dart board. Best for whom, and for what? There is not just one solution for everyone. State your objective facts with an open mind and let the customers decide.

I come onto a web group to look for unbiased opinions of products, ideas, methods, techniques, etc. It’s my job to decipher what opinions are valid. Many are not valid, just look at this thread. I’m looking for the customers of businesses too. I’m not looking for owners of the businesses. I don’t mind an owner clarification or comment. But debating with businesses about their competitor’s products is not why most people are here.

I apologize as I let it slip into exactly what I've avoided since day one. Won't happen again or any more in this instance.

And you are right on the money, many people have different needs and objectives, so one size never fits all.