I applaud your goals, but I think you are setting the standard maybe a little high. I for one also find a catfight a little unpleaseant. But who other then the owners/main players know the intricate details of their design decisions of their products? In a competitive market they have to early on design against or beyond their competitors product. Sharing how their product compares and maybe how they decided on their solutions, helps me decide which product also might meet my needs best. Critiqing their competitors products is of course taken wih a grain of salt, but I find it very useful, and one more thing to consider. Both have a lot of passon for what they are trying to achieve, emotions play a part, they are civil for the most part, and it gives them a chance to get things off their chest, and likely inspire both to go back to the drawing board to get a leg up on the competition, and we all win. I have less respect for those manufactures who choose not to even admit there are other products in the market with any advantges over their product. As long as it stays civil, everybody gets enlightened.

Last edited by jcclark; 11/08/07 06:39 AM.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.