
Gary- Ron here, long time no see. I hope you don't mind me asking but why did you have to have the Challenger repainted already? Did some issues come back in the paint and is Boitnot's gonna take care of it if it did? Just curious- take care

Hey Ron,
Good to talk to you. Jim painted that car on two different days and you can see it. At first we could'nt see it but after a month or so you could. I told him about it and he said bring it back. I did'nt want to and wanted to live with it. I put the whole car together thinking I'm just gonna drive it, right? Well as time went by the colors changed even more.Jim and I talked about re doing it last summer but I did'nt want to give him the car then. Then Jim called me about a month ago and even came to see the car and wanted it to get it right. So it's there now, I'm not sure how much he's gonna redo but he is taking care of it. Funny thing was, when Jim first looked at my car before he painted it, I expressed that exact concern and was told it should'nt be a problem with the older metalics,. well it was.

Hope everything is good with you and your family.

A lot has changed for the better here.