
Nice, but I'll get my quarters cut off first!

OKkkkk, we'll see. I have to make some room to work before I get to cutting quarters off.

I cleaned out the inside including all the seam sealer, well most of it. Don't worry, I took alot of pictures, of before. There was a ton of sealer all over and I still did'nt get it all out. But it is very clean right now, inside and out. I think I'm gonna go right to panel replacement before any media blasting.

It's supposed to rain tonite, man I hope soo....

Well you all know that I'm been working out behind my garage outside. This thing is bare steel in a bunch of places, so temporally I was given permission to store it here till I move my other two challengers to make room for this. When my GF looks out the back bedroom window she see's the bottem of my car!! You know what my backyard looks like, it quite a site.