

Lessons we teach our children..
Your daughter is in the 3rd grade. She is a good student. Yesterday she had a 100-question test that she had been preparing for the last few weeks. During the test she looked at one of the answers on the paper of her friend sitting next to her. Her teacher saw her. She copied the answer off her friend's paper. The answer she copied was .0932. The correct answer was .0937. Today you heard your daughter, and her friends, at the front door, cussing, screaming, and having a temper tantrum about the wrong answer. You ask what is the problem? Your daughter replies, "I failed the test." My teacher says she saw me looking at Mary's paper and copying the answers. She said I was cheating and the proof is that I had the same wrong answer for question 68. That is not fair, why did I fail because of one answer, when all the rest of my answers were correct? Mary had the same answer and she did not fail the test. Johnny looked at her test paper and copied some answers, I saw him. He didn't fail the test. One little answer wrong, and it was only wrong by a little bit, a lot of other people did the same or worse, and now she says that I cheated.
What do you tell your daughter ??

Stewart Pomeroy
Now lets race !!

Kind of curious what this has to do with SS/AH??

Id tell her to push little mary down the steps and take her lunch money.

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