adjusted e.t altitude on satuday was over 3300ft
as I understand from the owner of west coast hemis team Michael Ogburn you take Actual e.t and NHRA factor of .9757 to get adjusted e.t. Example.
8.80 actual e.t
.9757 Nhra Factor
=8.59 Adjusted e.t

So this is the quickest field of Hemis so far this year 2006.All e.t below have been adjusted.

1.Jeggie------------ 8.59 winner-SS.AH
2.Jerry Jenkins------8.61 ru-----SS/AH
3.Mark V------------8.69--------SS/AH
4.John Percy--------8.72--------SS/AA
5.Bob Mazz----------8.76--------SS/AH
6.John Rains--------8.82 spun bearing on run.AH
7.Norm Scott--------8.94--------SS/AA

So it looks like Bella Rose is going to have a super fast field of cars. Thanks to Michael Ogburn for this info.
Thank you Juile for the correction.

Last edited by mrnobodyracer; 03/30/06 02:35 PM.