Friend or Foe -- A little or A lot -- Charlie or Bucky. These are not the issues in question here.
It appears that some people are losing sight of what is Right and what is Wrong.
If you win a contest and afterwards, during a technical inspection, it is discovered that you violated the written rules - you are disqualified - you do not win - you lose because you cheated. There are no degrees of wrong. If it is your friend, he cheated. If it is your enemy, he cheated. This is very plain and simple. If you doubt this, ask your wife if she thinks Clinton had sex with Monica!
This is not the end of the world for most of the people involved. It is not about what someone else did, or if everyone else violated some rule. It is about the credibility of the series, the people that oversee it and the people that fund it..
It is about the Winner meeting the written rules.
Where this went totally bad, is the actions and comments made after the DQ. The disrespect some people have shown towards other competitors or websites, and the comments and threats still being made by a minority of people. These actions reflect badly on the people and teams involved and they should get that taken care of.
Some people, here, really need to step back and reevaluate their attitudes and core beliefs. Our society is based on rules, no one is above them nor exempt from them. If someone thinks that they are, then they are disrespecting all the rest of us and we should not tolerate it. If you do not like the rules, then work to change them.
It is very noticeable that some of the people involved - have not gotten into this bad display of a lack of self control. I applaud those people, they have the class, character and integrity to not dirty themselves nor their sponsors with this issue.
Right or Wrong - Legal or Illegal - and how you represent yourself, your family, your sponsor and your group. These are the only things that matter.... A very simple concept and an easy decision to make.