
THE WARFISH makes the list of top 10 Mopar's of 2005.This months mopar collector's magazine has the top ten mopar of 2005 page 30&31 and Charlie Westcott and the WARFISH made the list at #8. Congrats to Charlie Jr. and Sr.

Being a vet, I try to pay attention to folks that take care of vets. It blew me away when he gave the $10k to the USO.

I showed my wife pictures of Warfish and told her what Charlie did. I also said that I will make sure to spend money with his sponsors. She agreed and said he was a class act. She sees mags laying all around the house with pictures of cool mopars, and of all those cars the Warfish is the one she will always recognize.

I am very happy he made the list. Thanks for remembering our guys in the field Charlie


PLEASE Pray for our brothers and sisters in harms way.

If you are the owner of a GTS us at the GTS Registry www.gtsregistry.com