By the simple fact that someone was disqualified, because of a rules violation, they cheated.. Sorry if you do not like the word, but that is just the way it is.
As for a "little cheating" versus "big cheating" - there is no difference.
Some people on this board are tool/die makers, ask them if when they are given a blueprint and it specifies a tolerance of no more than plus.001, and they make a part that is plus.0015, do they get paid?
This is not about Bucky, Charlie, Pancake, Brooks, nor any of the other people that race in the TOP SUPER STOCK class, this is about right and wrong, and stepping up and saying "I was WRONG".
The problem today is that too many people are quick to say "It wasn't my fault". IT IS YOUR FAULT - IT IS YOUR CAR - AND YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.....
If there are no written specifications about something, then you can be creative - but when there are rules, the rules have to be adhered to.
This is not about what NHRA does or doesn't do - nor how much they have let the Stock and Super Stock classes run wild. This is about the respect you show for your fellow competitor and yourself.