Alright then....I have a little input. First of all,Bucky is a friend of mine and has been for years. I hate it for him and for all involved that this happened...but its not the end of the world.Bucky is a great guy. I have no idea how he reacted or how he handled himself...but unless we were actually there....then all we can do is listen and believe who we choose. I can guarnatee you that if someone were to nit-pick ,every one of the SS/AH cars have something illegal.Whether it be on the suspension,engine or whatever. Not neccessarily a performance advantage...but bending the rules.

Now....I am building a new Top/Stock car. I am a welder and a rancher.I had my engine built by Southland Performance. The heads and intake were done by Jeff. If I had to go thru teardown...and it was found I was illegal because my combustion chambers had been messed with or because the cam had to much lift...well ? Yes it was my car,and it was illegal..but to call me a cheater wouldnt be very appropriate.I dont know how to check those things and I have to intrust those that did the work to do that. Do you see where I'm coming from ? The carbs on Bucky's car were done by Braswell if I'm not mistaken. Westcott said he builds his own engine and his own carbs...but I know he doesnt build the whole car. Point is...when you run a class car-there are things that other folks sometimes get hired to do that you cant really check--not everyone,but majority of racers.
To get on a computer and run off at the mouth and bash anyone is gutless. I dont care who you are. This was a bad situation and is being blown way out of proportion. Do you think folks acted like this back in the 60's ? We all push the rules....and if you'll never be the fastest.
I saw a big named guy kicking butt in Comp. Eliminator years ago...but I noticed his clutch pedal was protruding thru the floor...not swinging like it did from the factory. It was not what the rules called for, but it wasnt a big deal...see where I'm coming from ?
I dont know Westcott,so I dont have an opinion of him. Hes a great racer and a good engine builder-thats been proven. Bucky is a good guy too and we all have similar interests. All the hoopla is good for competition....but enough is enough.
I know something else...Joe Clark is a heck of an engine builder and he is showing already he can make horsepower with the HEMI ! He hasnt been working on it that long. I like the HEMI wars. I wish I could win the lottery and play with the HEMI guys
I dont know many folks on this board and I'm not trying to make any enemies. Jeff has been very good to me and I'm happy with the work he has done for me. Hes the only one I have ever talked to on here. I want apologize to any of you for the way I feel. I'm not politically correct !I know that. I just hope we can all get along and keep on racing.
Adios !