
Here is a letter from
Charlie Westcott telling his take on this subject as he has been bad mouth on another board,so he had to defend himself from bucky and friends of bucky

this is pretty bad when the guy that did nothing wrong has to tell people what happen,how dare they make him the bad guy.

the talk around here in ohio is the same things as stewart has been saying.and to keep the check and trophys and now its up to charlie to get them back what he supposed to do? like the bucky family going to give them to him.

i also read the post on marie site before they were deleted,i could not belive what bucky son was saying and blaming charlie and then all his buddy bashing charlie.

thats is why this is the best site on the internet for info and the truth and you can speak your mind without getting bash

and i am a big pancake fan i can tell you that i am sure that our ohio hemi guys pancake and wilkes
dont go along with this crap.