Ok,well I've been biting my tongue for long enough. I've been catching a lot of smack, on marie's board from my first initial post. I apologized on there for the things I said about Charlie and Marie. I admitted that I let anger do most of my typing, after getting home late at night from Belle Rose. Seeing all this trash talking set me over the edge, after seeing how distraught and defeated my dad looked all day Sunday.

It's funny how you people that weren't even there, know how everything went down. We weren't mad at Charlie for coming back and getting awarded the victory. We were just baffled that my dad was being tossed for something he knew nothing about. You guys act like you are going to check every little nut and bolt before you go to race. Why would you check the blade screws when they have never been a problem before. He just assumed that they were the same as the ones for the past 15 years. He's never dealt with Braswell,and just assumed that they were legal, because that is what Joe Clark asked for. A LEGAL set of SS/AH carbs. There is a far cry from being a deliberate cheater and running parts on your car that you do not know are illegal.
My dad has never been tossed for anything, and he's been at this Hemi thing since 88'. People keep saying 30 plus tear downs, where are they? Well maybe I miscounted a few. But he set the national record 9 times, and he was torn down 3 times in one season. So he is legit, and I'm sick of you all calling him a cheater. If you want to talk about this matter on a more personal level, you can be sure that he will be at Columbus, and Englishtown. I apologize if I said some mean things at first, that's not like me. Like I said, how would you feel if this situation happened to your dad? This is my one and only post on here. I'm tired of hearing all this crap.