The car is JUNK and will NOT have just a new skin put on it.......and some of you guys kill me. It's not like Chief just woke up one day and said hey, I think I will build a 4sec, twin turbo, Pontiac powered race car. That was his FIRST car, had it since high school and as MANY others have done, the car morphed over time to what it ended up. Just a few years ago, it was ladder bar, homebuilt, 2x3 backhalf car, with a Pontiac nitrous motor in it. He sold the nitrous motor when he decided to build the turbo motor and also saved his pennies to have the chassis redone. Up until the car reappeared on the show, Chief hadn't raced on the "list" in about 5 years, because it took every penny he had to update the car.

The car will not be rebuilt quickly, without serious outside help, because Chief simply doesn't have that kind of dough. Remains to be seen if Pilgrim Studios may help........but doubtful. Sure, he will get boatloads of free or reduced price parts in an attempt to help him out, but somebody will still have to build the car and that takes time and money.

As with Daddy Dave's car, all the driveline, electronics, etc, will be stripped from the carcass, so it's not like he needs everything. He needs a chassis, with a body hung on it.....he pretty much has the rest

Also funny how people think these guys make so much money. What Pilgrim Studios pay them in actual money is a joke. Some of the regulars on the show make NOTHING, for busting their azzes...... some make $500 a week IF they race that week. Others make $1500 a week if they race and others are on "Contract". Only Farmtruck and Azn have a full time film crew. Those guys are being filmed ALL the time and all that BS they are up to for the show, is because that's their JOB. They probably get paid way more than anyone else.........

Now some of them are making money off the fame of the show, by way of track appearances and selling T-shirts, which is great for them, because Pilgrim ain't paying them squat. Most signed some kind of paperwork when the show first came on and nobody thought it would last more than a couple episodes. Here they are filming season 8 and those guys still have those same contracts they signed before.

And the filming schedule is brutal. You pretty much go, where they want you to go, when they want you there. There is little down time and they DO NOT understand what it takes to keep these cars running. On "Race Night", they want you on site by 5pm. They generally finally start racing around midnight and quit when the sun comes up. For the last Cash Days, we left the site at 5:30 AM Saturday morning and 5:00 AM Sunday morning. So back to back 12 hour days at the site, plus anything else you need to do...........Like THIS week, they will be racing TONIGHT. These guys have jobs. So they will work today, race all night and have to work tomorrow. The schedule is NOT fun