Originally Posted By Monte_Smith

The people I mentioned that don't even have a race car or a hot street car..............well isn't that exactly the people who NEED to be drawn in to get some interest renewed. Don't you need NEW people to get involved..........isn't that the goal? And do you draw new people with multi million dollar fuel cars, or cars they can at least relate to?

Getting new people into drag racing is what has to happen for the survival of the hobby we all love.
It seems to me that there is another thread (the new licensing rules) going that shows the NHRA is finally realizing this also.
Is the show fake? I don't know. Is it going to make me race on the street? No. Just because others do things that are in the grey area of the law doesn't mean everyone will.
Here in Oregon I can now get stoned out of my mind and it is ok in the eyes of the law here. The Feds on the other hand say it is still a bad thing. Sort of the same thing.

Digger73 (Mike)

I live with fear everyday but, sometimes she lets me race!