Originally Posted By 383man
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
NO, this NOT illegal street racing. This is a racing TV show, filmed on a closed location, with safety measures taken, 100% legal and with full cooperation of local law enforcement...........So point out the illegal part.

If you are referring to how the show is portrayed............it is no different than say Moonshiners. Nobody thinks those idiots are actually in the woods making Shine, which is also illegal. We also know that if they were, the actual footage from the TV show would have them all in jail the next day........same as the Street Outlaws guys.

THAT is the issue I have..........guys keep talking about what they are doing being illegal. NO....it's not........Now if you feel that it may encourage OTHER people to go out and DO illegal street racing, that's another issue and an opinion you are entitled to. But to say what they do on the show is illegal, is simply not true

While the 405 guys have REALLY street raced for years, one could argue that this show, actually took them OFF the streets as now they still get to race themselves and others on a weekly basis, albeit 100% legally. And even before the show, when they had their "Cash Days" races every year, they were generally in industrial complexes and were legally permitted events. How else you get off enough pairs of true, illegal street racing to pair a 16 car field down to winner with no interference from the law.

I did my fair share of street racing when I was younger, in some VERY remote places. We had scanners, lookouts and all the other requisite racing requirements. Even in the MOST remote locations, you were lucky to get off two pair before the call came on the radio, that police had been dispatched. Police are NOT stupid. They KNOW people race, they likely know where and when, plus the tire tracks immediately give away your NEW super secret spot and then they WATCH it.............When I was a younger guy, we had two officers in our local car club. They both told me the whole force, knew when and where we raced. It was an abandoned industrial park, so chances of hurting anyone but ourselves was very remote, so they put no priority on catching or stopping us. But still, 2 maybe 3 was all you were going to get off, before they rolled a dispatch.

We also used to hang out at the A&W in Huntsville. They(police) watched the place and if a pack of cars rolled out later in the night, they KNEW what was afoot.

Actually it is illegal street racing but its made legal because its done on a controlled set. If they can do all that why dont they just do all the shows racing on a track ?? I guess we all know the answer to that. Ron
C'mon Ron, that doesn't even make sense. It's legal or it's not.

I guess that makes the Silver State Challenge illegal as well. I mean that's a Road RACE on a state highway.....No wait, they have a permit and it's a sanctioned event every year. What about Pike's Peak......guess that's illegal too...........What was the question again?

Wonder what's MORE dangerous. Drag Racing for an 1/8 mile on a wide, public concrete road. Racing over 200mph cars on a curvy state highway, or racing up a mountain, where if you get off the surface too far, you are OFF the side of a MOUNTAIN.............hmmmm.

Where's the outrage and opinions about these other apparently "illegal" races on public roads