"NO, this NOT illegal street racing. This is a racing TV show, filmed on a closed location, with safety measures taken, 100% legal and with full cooperation of local law enforcement...........So point out the illegal part".

Monte - I love your input on here as always but I have to respectfully disagree with this.

Although YOU may know its controlled and legal, the fact is that the target audience of this "reality" crap also include many impressionable kids/guys who for the most part, believe its REAL.

The reason 3 million people are watching the show is bc i. they believe it's "real" and ii. they believe its illegal (you say its not) and the threat of violence or getting caught by the cops is alluring. iii. they love wild rides and seeing them flogged on the street (in albeit controlled circumstances of which for the most part they are not aware about)

The show is engineered that way to entice viewers - in other words, clever marketing.

Whilst I agree that most pundits cant relate to JF and his fleet of mega dollar rides, what do you think Chief has invested in his "street" car ? wink Not exactly a budget ride built by an average good old boy regardless as to how its been marketed by the show.

As you know perception IS reality - what do you think these young people are taking out of this show? Thats its "badass" to race on the street, that they can get away with it, that they won't get pinched, that they can't get hurt, that its a huge "buzz" and that its street cred personified amongst their peers. They don't view it as being controlled or regulated bc that is NOT what they see,

Also as you state, the fact that it IS controlled as you say simply illustrates my point in my original post about how it is a TV production and therefore planned, scripted, produced, acted out etc. The cars may be real but the rest is just TV - a manufactured program to gain ratings and sell advertising. It is not real street racing although it is packaged that way. REAL street racing doesn't involve closed locations, safety measures or local cops coming along to applaud the racers.

Guess we can all agree/diasgree on what the show is really all about.
