Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
^^^^^Yep, I have rode bikes FAST, in states with no helmet law, used to ride bulls, been bungee jumping, jumped out of an airplane and water skied at 100 mph on a slalom ski..............so I guess you can put me in the "stupid sheeat" group...........LOL
Guess ya-all didn't get my point, so let me try to splane it in simpler terms. Riding bikes fast is pushing the safety envelope. Doing it in traffic without a helmet is - stupid ( helmet law or not ). Nobody wants to see anyone get hurt, but to glorify or feel too sorry for someone that knowingly takes unnecessary ( reads stupid ) risks and then ends up busted up in the hospital is - stupid. Hope this helps with the distinction I was trying to make. BTW, I really enjoy watching the Pro-Mod cars run at NHRA events. Some of the coolest racing going. Maybe if NHRA did a better job of promoting and paying them, less stupid shat would go on. beer

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