Originally Posted By Crizila
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Crizila...........yes, I saw the crash pics, not only that, have BEEN to the site where the crash happened. The rocks were a long way from where the crash happened(it was a drainage ditch) and 99% of the crash was over when the car came to rest there.

This is the first BAD crash they have had on the show and the first time a 405 guy has ever totaled a car and they have been racing on the street for over 10 years.

Sure, maybe YOU want the Greeks autograph, because you are an old school drag race guy and know who he is. Listen, I am as much of a race fan as anybody else, but I don't give two squirts about the NHRA show and have not watched it on TV in years. That's just not what I care to watch, but I do watch Street Outlaws, even though I know the outcome of every show already. WHY?..........because it is entertaining and I can more relate to those guys, their cars and their type racing. Apparently 3 million other people feel the same way every week. There likely hasn't been 3 million people watch NHRA on TV all year combined. NHRA racing on TV in no way shape or form, appeals to average "Joe Public", even though they have tried to add some drama and fluff pieces to generate interest with the general public, but we all know it hasn't worked and won't. You watch ONE NHRA race on TV, you have seen them all. Every show, every car looks the same, just the names change on the check at the end............You think Joe Average guy more relates to John Force, multi millionaire and his fleet of cars..........or Chief, who is just a good ol boy, who drives the car he had in high school and probably reminds "Joe Average" of a car he had or a guy he knew when he was younger.

The people I mentioned that don't even have a race car or a hot street car..............well isn't that exactly the people who NEED to be drawn in to get some interest renewed. Don't you need NEW people to get involved..........isn't that the goal? And do you draw new people with multi million dollar fuel cars, or cars they can at least relate to?

You say pissing up a rope on safety........whatever. I will take my chances on that road EVERY day vs a track that has steel K-rail as a guard rail. I will take curbing over a can opener anytime.

Several people have died at televised NHRA races.............so what does your statement on that have to do with anything
Wise up Monte. Nothin personal, but you siding with a bunch of losers.
Nothin personal to you either.......but I'll take the losers

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 11/17/15 11:19 PM.