Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By Crizila
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
^^^^^Yep, I have rode bikes FAST, in states with no helmet law, used to ride bulls, been bungee jumping, jumped out of an airplane and water skied at 100 mph on a slalom ski..............so I guess you can put me in the "stupid sheeat" group...........LOL
Guess ya-all didn't get my point, so let me try to splane it in simpler terms. Riding bikes fast is pushing the safety envelope. Doing it in traffic without a helmet is - stupid ( helmet law or not ). Nobody wants to see anyone get hurt, but to glorify or feel too sorry for someone that knowingly takes unnecessary ( reads stupid ) risks and then ends up busted up in the hospital is - stupid. Hope this helps with the distinction I was trying to make. BTW, I really enjoy watching the Pro-Mod cars run at NHRA events. Some of the coolest racing going. Maybe if NHRA did a better job of promoting and paying them, less stupid shat would go on. beer
Your theory holds ZERO water, because what is unnecessary risk, or considered stupid, is not the same to all people. Drag racing in general, be it on a road or track is considered stupid to many. Indy cars with little to no roll bar. 200 mph drag boats. Running 400 mph on the slat flats, on rough salt, no barriers and no safety support equipment within potential miles of a crash site........Riding a bike with no helmet, riding bucking bulls, skydiving, bungee jumping, cliff diving............whatever "extreme" sport you can think of, many will consider you "stupid" for doing it.

Myself I understand what "Crizila" is saying I think and I agree with him. In my eyes his point is that street racing is illegal and racing at the track is not and its safer racing at the track. Yea sure any racing can be dangerous but so can flying in a plane or just driving down the highway. Botton line to me is street racing is illegal and stupid because we have race tracks to race where it is legal and not as dangerous to the public. Any time us drag racers street race it makes the public hate us more as they feel we are doing something illegal and being stupid. If we race at the track we are atleast doing it where its legal and not as stupid looking to the average person.
And if a bystander gets hurt during a crash at an illegal street race I guess its like someone getting shot in a drive by shooting as someone got hurt who was not supposed too but just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But if that race had been at the race track where its legal and that bystander may have atleast been behind a gaurdrail they may not have been hurt.

Sure its all alot of "if's" like much of life is but if we do most things in life by the percentages and do them right the drag racing at the track helps keep it much safer. Myself I rarely watch any of these stupid reality shows anyway but IMO no matter how you put it street racing is stupid. Ron

Last edited by 383man; 11/17/15 03:50 AM.