Glad all are ok...

I usually don't comment on stuff like this, but seriously, regardless of individual thoughts about this mishap - we are talking about a TV show; planned, written, produced and engineered for ratings and to sell advertising.

Don't get me wrong it cool to see nice / fast cars and what goes into them but the whole crux of the show is BS. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether the viewing audience see it as "entertainment" is a different issue in itself. We ARE talking about TV....right?

As such, for me its BS like every other "reality" show on TV. Regardless of how "badass" the cars are. Its the same reason people out there think a well built car can be done in 2 weeks - like on reality shows. Idiots.

Doesn't portray the sport well either in the unconscious minds of John Citizen watching it can it be good? Perception IS reality for many, what do you think they will be thinking ?

On TV = production = staged = bullsh!t. Unless its LIVE and unedited, its doctored.

At least to me.

Flame away.....

Last edited by LAD 524; 11/16/15 01:24 AM.