From eyewitness accounts and guys I have talked to........"Chuckie left on Chief and appeared to be a bit ahead the whole way, but Chuckie knew the turbo car would be COMING hard. The car got loose about 500 or so feet and he had to check it. This let Chief get by and Chuckie then hit Chief in the drivers door. That spun the car and slammed it into the curb. When it hit the curb, it snap rolled a few times, got into a chain link fence and then went end over end several times............Bryan(Chuckie)Davis, claimed he never saw the GTO until he hit him. Both cars are losses.

Brian is a good driver and long time wheel man of big power rides. He is no hack racer and would never risk his or another guys car just for a win light, but unfortunately, sometimes things happen

Chief is really beat up, as referenced in above post, but the car did it's job, BOTH cars actually did their jobs and these guys walked away. Chief is a BIG guy to be rolling a car like that, so it's a testament to the quality of his car, that all the safety gear and construction, kept him where he was supposed to be.

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 11/16/15 01:06 AM.