The fact this happened on the street likely saved his life. The car was able to dissipate the crash energy by rolling.
If he was hit and it shot his car straight into the concrete wall at 140+mph, that would have been REAL BAD.
It's not the crash that kills you, it's the sudden stop that does.
Some people act like the crash never would have happened at the track.
When cars are going this fast, track prep really doesn't mean much at the 500+ ft mark.
What track preps the entire length of the track?
The shows popular because people can relate to the cars. It looks like a car they own, or did own, or want to own. You can still tell what the cars are, even with big tires and wings.
When was the last time you saw a pro stock car and thought, gee, that looks like what I drive??

526 cubes of angry wedge, pushbutton shifted, 9 passenger killer!