Originally Posted By Porter67
Anyone who bashes street racing id hope they have never had a high speed ticket or close call for running a red light,stop sign or even had just that one drink too many and made it home or it just makes them a hypocrite.

I do hope they are ok, but anyone who races anything should know the risks they take.

Have to disagree. I've had a high speed ticket, and driven with one too many in my system, and I learned from those mistakes enough to tell other people don't risk it. Despite being a pretty conscientious driver, I've driven through red lights I didn't see and had close calls, and was thankful to live it through it and try to remind myself not to make the same mistakes. So I don't consider it hypocritical at all to say street racing is about as stupid as it comes.

Sure the racers might know the risks they are taking, but what about the driver who pulls out on the road because someone forgot to block it off? Or the pedestrian out for a late night walk that goes across a road and can't judge car distance when they go to cross because they are expecting cars to be driving 55 instead of 155? Or the spectators standing right by the road when a car looses control or grenades a part?

Yes, I know the TV show guys do their due diligence on safety and securing the area. But by not showing that part of the process and making it look unstaged, it is promoting stupidity among young naive viewers.

So yeah, no sympathy for these guys at all.

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