
As far as the argument about only running DRAG RADIALS. You guys wouldn't be able hook these cars without the chassis improvements made over the years and the way these STREET TIRES have improved over the years. Make a pass with a slick and then the equivalent sized drag radial and the car goes faster with the street tires. Don't believe it do some research. Now as far as tuning a nitrous powered car. Buy a book, get on the computer, call a nitrous rep, ( monty or many others ), change a pill, retard the timing, programmable timings, and push a button. Heck now you can just hook it up to the gas peddle.

I guess all this new technology hasn't done anything for NA cars huh? The exact same thing can be said about building a na motor you can just buy a book and learn to port your own heads and go fast. So easy a monkey could do it.

Brett Miller W9 cnc'd heads
STR Chassis fabraction