
I have said that I believe cars should be driven. I say it and believe it. That doesn't mean i think they should be driven every day, in rain and snow. I drive mine mainly on the weekends. Sometimes to and from work. One time i drove it to work and had to put it on a roll back to get it home, but that another story. I don't understand why anyone who collects classic would never drive them. I don't understand baseball card collections, comic book collections, coin collections, and stamp, collections, or quantum physcis. If you take enjoyment from just knowing you have a classic car and trailer it to shows... like others have said, it's your car, do with it as you wish. I won't knock you for that, but I may give you a hard time about it (all in good humor of course). A friend of mine once told me, "drive a new car, you'll turn heads for days, drive a classic car and you'll turn heads for years."