As for being licensed by Chrysler, that does not mean it is ethical to reproduce a broadcast sheet, it only means Chrysler has given you their rights to produce something that they did in the past without having to worry about being sued by Chrysler.
Then to use "your" logic, Chrylser by showing willingness to licence a broadcast sheet under conditions is either directly or indirectly acting unethically.

The poll isnt neutral based in its wording. Not at all. One can only read the questions to know the poster feels on the subject. That is readily apparant. Reword in a more neutral way then allow the people to vote on it.

1. Should an authorized Chrysler distributor who has been provided legitmate documentation of the original buildsheet be allowed to reproduce that buildsheet, or that buildsheet showing a watermark that determines its reproduction status.

There are alot better ways to neutralize these questions besides wording in a way to get a predetermined answer.

Thats like asking should a person who is convicted of a crime serve jail time. That question is worded to elicit a simple answer YES!

The more informative questionaire would ask.
1. What kind of crime?
2. What was the severity of the crime?
3. Was it under extreme durress?
4. Was it a first time offense?
5. Was it a simple misdomeanor?

What I am saying is the original question of "Should a person convicted of a crime serve jail time?" is simply directed to elicit the answer of yes.