
How about this: 2 identical cars...survivors lets say...priced the same...one with, one without...both legit cars...Which one would you buy?

The one I liked the best!

Besides everyone talking about "worth" and "value" the constant theme in this thread seems to be based on personal views and desires. I have classic cars that I have never driven. I get ridiculed and made fun of about it all the time! I constantly hear the proverbial, "They were meant to be driven! Use them for what they were built for!" As it relates to this Build Sheet subject matter, everyone should ask themselves one question. Why do so many assume that their interpretation of "Automobile 101", should be THE VIEW for everyone to follow? For illustration, lets use this point of view which is CONSTANTLY being preached on this forum: "These cars should be driven and used for what they were built and intended for."

Do the ones who preach that notion LITERALLY mean it?!? The immediate question that comes to my mind is....based on whose "use"? The guy that bought it for "work" transportation but also to have a little "fast fun" every now and then? Or the guy who bought it exclusively to drive to work but also used it as his Family vehicle? Or the person who bought it as a second car to use sparingly and only on the weekends? Or the woman (that is right...they liked them too) who used it to go shopping or take afternoon drives? Some people actually DID buy these cars just to sit in their garage and look Cool! I could go on an on but you get the point!

My question is for those who consistently preach that "you have to drive them" or "you can't do this or that with them"! Do you guys use your cars as your main mode of transportation to get back and forth to work? Do you take them out even when it rains or snows? Do you use them to go shopping or a drive across the country for your Vacation? I would bet NOT! The point is that there are 100 different reasons for the way people used their cars back in the day. Almost none of us look at these cars in the same light as did the original owners! It is completely closed minded and selfish for ANYONE to tell another person what they "should" or "shouldn't" feel based exclusively on THEIR personal beliefs. Not to stir up a can of worms but I wonder how many car owners from 1970 would tell the "Racing" guys today, "I can't believe you would butcher up a perfectly good car just to go racing! When I bought a "Hot Rod" we used them for going to the Drive In, tooling around town, going to the Burger joint with your buddies or parking with your Girlfriend at Lover's Lane." Isn't THAT what they were originally used for?!?

I didn't want to drastically change thoughts here but I wanted to point out that no one person has all the right answers for the material that has been "polled" thus far. "Diversity" is just as real of an issue as the issues are themselves!