

If it's only for display purposes and not for trying to scam someone into believing it's an original BCS does it have to be perfect?

Once again, why not use that same logic with the other factors of these cars? Why do most people complain when the Good Mark fenders don't fit "perfect"? Why do people scrutinize and criticize our other decals and paper products if they don't want them to appear original or look "perfect"? Should we assume that anyone who restores a car to look like new or "perfect" is actually trying to scam someone into thinking that it is original? Who gets to make the new rules for what can look authentic and what should look altered?

I completely understand your logic on this.

The thing about a BCS is that it's used to correctly restore a car to the way it left the factory, or it can be used to try to document a bogus car.

The other parts for the car don't have that distinction, they just bolt or weld on.

You can restore a car to exactly the way it left the factory, but it's still restored car any way you look at it.

It's been said many times, a car is only original once.
Unless it's an unrestored survivor that hasn't been touched (and that opens a whole different can of worms) it's restored.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol