
Hi Pat,
I have been throwing out these thoughts in an attempt to see if anyone would actually hit the nail on the head. It isn't up to any one person as to what should or should not be done! It is Chrysler who is in charge of their company and what they choose to do. If not for the majority/minority (which ever) I would have offered these a long time ago. As much as guys like Rhinodart, Pacnorthcuda, etc..... can't stand me, I owe them the same respect in this hobby as those who appreciate what we do and support our cause! We don't want to alienate ANYONE in this hobby and it is not our intent to hurt the value of these vehicles in anyway. I simply wanted to open the eyes of people who might be victim to the same bug that I was bit by when I arrived on the scene in 2002. Real paperwork does NOT guarantee a real car! Yes it is important but only because WE as a hobby have made it that way. It in no way ensures (absolute) reality for anything except the "old" paper it is printed on!

Hold on there, Davey! I appreciate what you do for the hobby in general, we just happen to be polar opposites on this subject, I certainly don't "hate" you! I can follow your flawed logic on this subject by reading your point-by-point diatribes as these threads go along, that is enough for me to tell that you have a strong opinion that some share it and some don't. When you and "Chrysler" finally decide to make these bogus sheets available (mark my word it will happen if you do it or someone else does) then we and other Mopar boards will rehash this nonsence all over again and it will only lead to more discourse that this hobby does not need...

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!