At some point a guy has to quit just looking at it and do something. By this point, it was pretty obvious that I had to attach the inner fender at the cab first. On the inner fender, about the point it made contact with the seam on the firewall, an elongated hole that was used to mount something on the inner fender. Whatever used to be there was going to have to move anyway, so I might as well use that hole for something. That area formed an odd shaped triangle, and looked to be a really good place to make a brace.
Pic 1, Cardboard to the rescue. Cut a piece here, cut it there, bend it here, cut it there, see how it looks.
Pic 2, So this edge had to be curved to fit the shape of the inner fender at that location. The green dots are mounting holes, the one on the right is drawn through the actual hole, the one on the left is speculating. Transferring this to steel will also have to be two pieces.
I just know your asking "Well Gene, just how are you going to hold this piece in place with bolts?
Pic 3, These gentlemen is what they call U-nuts. They come in a verity of sizes from a #6 screw up to a 3/8" bolt, in American and metric. There are long reach versions, medium reach versions, and short reach versions (these are 1/4" x 20 short reach versions). You drill or punch a hole in the two pieces of metal ( a slightly larger hole gives you more adjustment, and they clip over the edge of the top piece metal nut side up, and the bolt screws into them from the bottom.
Pic 4 The U-nut with a bolt screwed into it. I can buy them locally for around a buck each, or you can buy larger quantities on line for a lot less. I bought a box of 100 1/4", a box of 100 5/16" and a couple boxes of 25 for #6 screws.
