
Well most who have posted on this tread have at some point in the past. Lamented how there is not much techno exchange here anymore. As most the the builders have left. Curtis Boggs, Fast68Plymouth, DTHEMI to name a few no longer post. I'm sure Ryan will be added to the list. I learned alot from those guys.

But as I recall in the Bible it says if you have a problem with someone. Go to them and try and resolve it first. Before bringing it to the community.

I understand Brian didn't want to ship his parts or trust RJ. That was his decision to make. But I think he nothing to loose except his effort. To at least give RJ a chance to offer some sort of resolution.

I have lost respect for some in this post. I'm sure nobody cares anyway and I'm fine with that. But at the end of the day we are all only as good as our word. Jim

Jim the thread title says "TRUST" and Brian has lost his trust of the builder so no reason to go back IMO.