I got a little hot under the collar when I posted Lay off Ryan! but....if you read my post it is to protest the public hanging of what may well be an inocent business and person on an internet forum. I do build engines for a living so I may be extra sensitive here BUT...you put used junk in a race motor--it go boom--tough crud for you pal--no matter WHO did it. Truth is you put new stuff in --it go boom--that is the risk we all take when turning an engine ( any engine) 7500 plus-- And I really got upset with the notion that every engine that has .200 to coil bind is a problem and was not done right--That is TOTAL BS! And...with titanium parts it is even more BS. So...I will just finish up by saying
I hate your engine failed, I really do, I know what pain that can be but--the most vulnerable part in any race engine is the freaking roller lifter axle and needles--we all know that for a fact! Use the best ones made and you need to swap them at every fresh up-NO MATTER what. Take the used ones and sell on Ebay and guess what? Someone down the food chain TAKES A RISK when buying and using those kind of parts. I am building a new Front engine dragster--I have a NEW frame that is nice but I will be using Used Junk for my engine to keep it cheap--I will have a used discarded oil pump that I took apart and cleaned and checked, used valve springs, cracked block that customer tossed ( I will fill that sucker), cam with funny looking lobe where a roller lifter failed a little, used streched tinming set, cracked heads as I will not be running water it is alky, mismatched pushrods USED head gaskets etc etc but I will have an engine that will run mid 8's in my dragster for about $1200 tops. I understand it may not live all season but I do it to prove that used stuff is OK if you are aware of it's limits. I can't do this for customers--EVER--and I never do. Would I use some sprint car whored up lifters in my engine--YES. Would I let a customer talk me into using them in his? Well...yes...I have in the past and guess what? It always comes back to bite someone IF you expect the used parts to be fail proof--if you say I am saving X amount over new ones and I know I am taking a risk --no big --but to do that and then throw your builder under the bus--IN public--well...it just makes me sick.
The only builder left on here to help is Bob George and Andy--what happens if one of his blows? Then I guess you will have no builders to help out--
Check all of Bobs past post, and Ryans before he left here, and the others-- they are all aiming to help folks for free with their vast experience.
Always remeber what Smokey Yunick said--The price of progress( speed and power) is trouble!
Can't we all just get along?