
So just because one person comes forward about an issue they had and others chime in with thier less than expected results it makes thier concerns somehow piling on? Some folks do not want to put up with the DRAMA that things like this cause. You can call it what you like, piling on if you wish. I think it has brought a potential issue to the surface. Also that issue seems to be substantiated by others as well. Seems none of these folks have an axe to grind they are just shedding more light on the subject.

Choose to see it any way you like, I am happy some have been happy with their results. The one thing I have noticed however is those who are very happy tend to be within a relatively close proximity of the shop in question. The issues I am aware of are way out west from PA. Just an observation, although there seems to be one fairly close as well. I have received a PM or five about this as well. Seems the issues are more prevelant the farether away from PA you get. Just an observation...

As eluded to hear the difference between a good shop and a great shop is HOW the handle issues that arise. All shops have issues from time to time. The way it is handled in my opinion says WAY more about a shop than any other endorsement from another customer ever can. Service after the sale is as important if not moreso than how the intiial transaction is handled. Just my opinion but if you want to know what keeps me coming back to a business this is the key.

2 issues you mention great shop is when issues arise,i'm pretty sure if this issue was done by phone or email rj probably would have made good,or said its not my fault,,we will never know,,,as far as to the issue of being close or far away,thats just bs Al...take a look in ryans shop for orders on things as far away as australia.im damn sure sure the effort for who ever you are is the same!