Boys, THINK.... A USED set of lifters were put in a new radical build. I would bet my shop that Ryan said--use them at your risk. A roller lifter is the most failure prone item in a race engine--Period! And there is NO way that a roller strength spring that was .200 from coil bind let that lifter fail--No freaking way! It is all that simple.
We all face cost isssues and try to find ways around it. Putting used parts in is one way. You always have to "talk" the builder into it but after hearing it hundreds of times they usually say--OK it is your baby. What are they going to do???Say oh no way you MUST spend the extra $750--then someone would complain about that!
You have to remember that while that thing is on the dyno the builder is on the hook for every part makers design, metalurgy, hardening process, material selection, workmanship, etc Is THAT fair? Heck no! WHY do engine builders risk all that for a pretty slim profit margin--WHY do they take that giant gamble--Who knows--any business advisor would say they are crazy and it is bad business to take such risk for so little net profit.
They do it because they LOVE HP and racing and the competition and the great releationships that develop over the years, THE WINS!But it is not a smart decision or a smart business model. And lets not forget....we are playing in a very risky arena PERIOD. Any of you weld? Have a guy die in a car you welded? Hope not--an engine won't kill anything but your wallet, simple fact of racing and going fast. Do you think that Richard Petty yelled at Dale Inman? Heck no--they blew up more engines in 40 years than you could bury with a Caterpillar--They KNEW it would and could happen for a thousand different reasons.
Please lets end this thread. Lock it up!