



Accidents and oversights is going to happen.. doesnt matter who you are and what your reputation is..

IMO what most important is those that stand up and take responsibility when they do screw up.. I'd like to know what Shady Dell has said to you about this mishap..

I have not contacted the shop. I know myself to well as to the action I might take if the result was not satisfactory so I choose not to. There is no excuse for the mistakes made. Looks like a high schooler put it together, only with parts he couldn't afford himself.

If you are just stating facts, then please get your own story strait:




When did you check the lash prior to discovering this?

About 40 passes ago.

At the top of this post you claim to lash your valves ~ every 20 passes.

Everyone makes mistakes, sometimes BIG mistakes, it is how they are dealt with that matters more to me. The fact that you have not even contacted the builder (Shady Dell) and decided to trash them publicly is VERY poor form indeed. Give the man a chance to at least TRY to set things right....there are usually 2 sides to a story.

I agree about contacting him prior to posting, but this dude isnt worried about sending his stuff back to someone who messed it up in the first place, If he was worried about the cost, which he dosnt seem to be, then take it back to the origional guy. But in this case, he is PISSED, and just wants a running engine again. As for seeing what Ryan will do about it, thats up to him and the customer. I havent seen a peep out of Ryan in a while, I dont know if we will hear anything on this post from him either.

Ryan knows of the issues and has since my first post about my tear down. He either sent PM's to some people or sent some email to a few select folks. I got nothing.