
What came first the roller or the spring.... In the start of this post the OP used the word fact several times stating that the spring caused the failure. After reading posts on other sites & the opinions of other race engine builders it seams that this lifter has been known not to like seat pressures over 300lbs, The fact is we really don't know if this is true or false, It is just the opinion of others that have seen this type of failure. Race engines by nature tend to push the limits of parts & design. Without proper failure diagnosis the OPs failure is speculative at best. It seems that race engine shops are just as competitive as racers & some are fast to blame a failure on someone else's work, I also feel that TRUST is a two way street, To not communicate with your builder weather before or after the fact seems counter productive to both parties, Then on top of that to share your opinion on a public form with others that may have a axe to grind over the years this shop has been building race engines is just not right.... The bottom line is race engines fail and there are not that many people qualified to state fact rather than opinion. Its way too easy to just throw a builder under the buss using opinions. Was this post intended to warn other racers or vent some steam? Failure posts should be about corrective measures not blame. I do not know the OP and I have no connection what so ever with the builder except I have been following his posts for years and have found them very informative and accurate.I feel posts of this nature tend to push the people best qualified to contribute to this site away and why some posters with the most experience are getting a little bitter with replies, The availability of cutting edge Mopar small block people are few compared to Chevies & Fords So what do we have for our reading future some Hi tec lug nut posts
