


Hysteric, that is an excellent post. Thank you for the link. I am looking at the chart now and I agree that my 440 is far happier with an idle between 11.7-12.6. I get far better vacuum readings with that A/F

My problem is when RPMs increase off-idle, the mixture drops in A/F to 10-11 and I get a stumble in power. After the quick stumble it starts to lean out as it should. I only get this from idle. If I lean the idle mixture to 13-14 then the drop and stumble is not as bad.

On the other end, the power is 1-2 points too lean even with the jet and rod changes and my WOT is still too lean as well. I am hoping some spring changes today may help with those too.

As for the low-end rich stumble, I may replace the nozzle on the accelerator to get a leaner injection to help me get that smooth transition from idle to cruise that is shown in the chart you posted.

All Classic Symptoms Of The 1407/1411 That You Are Experiencing

With that said , I will keep my negative comments to myself , and the one thousand other negative threads that I could post about the 1407/1411

Good Luck , At Least Your Making Progress

I find it quite comical that you seem to show up on every Edelbrock carb post. Never any helpful tips or information, just that they're terrible. Why do you bother?

Its not my problem that 90% of the Edelbrock posts on this website are directed at the 1407/1411 Series Carbs

And I only state that the 1407/1411s are terrible , so lets clear that up right away

Anyways , to answer your question

To save people alot of headaches , alot of wasted time spent working on something that cant bee fixed without drilling this that and , alot of money also - But I guess guys like you cant read very well - Click on the link that Hysteric posted , some pretty valuable info in there - I could post some more links if you like ??? Chances are you wouldn't read those either ,or just read what you want or might understand - There was a thread a few weeks ago - Even an Edelbrock Tech basically said the very same thing in that thread , Don't you find that kind of comical , An Edelbrock Tech would say such a thing ???

Helpful , its called - EDELBROCK 800 1412/1413 Series or EDELBROCK 650/800 AVS Series !!!

You can thank me later

Last edited by bee1971; 04/28/14 12:12 AM.

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