Alright guys sorry i haven't updated in awhile, i been super busy with everything and have not had much time to get on the computer to update thread (it doesn't help that my computer took a dump on me and i just got a new one)

Anyways not much has changed on the actual car itself, just doing some more parts restoration stuff, and the biggy is getting my air grabber hood ready.

First off the Air grabber hood i have has seen better days, pretty dang rusty and has a bow at the back hinge, along with some nice dents in the bubble. Budget Air Grabber if you will...

So Since the Hood is in such poor shape i am going to be reskinning the hood to a much nice flat hood underside...

Some of the Rust...

Top skin of Air Grabber Split from understructure...

The Donor Flat Hood Split...

Since there are many differences in the undersides of the Air Grabber and Flat Hoods I need to remove the bracing that would not be present on an air grabber hood...

The hood has braces and brackets between the two layers as well that need to be changed over. Here are the original Air grabber parts removed...

More to come on the hood...