Like Steve said, I stopped by on Monday to meet Steve and to see the car for myself. All I can say is WOW!!! I never would've tackled a job like that at 17. Actually, I'm not sure I'd want to deal with that car at any age

Oh yeah, if there are any skeptics that all of this work has been done by 3 high school kids I can assure you that it is!! You can tell from talking to Steve that he knows his stuff!! He might look like he's 17 but he sure doesn't act like it. He's very mature for his age and has a good head on his shoulders.

Regardless of how far along the car is by July, Steve and company have been invited to be the featured Young Guns at Carlisle so make sure to stop by and see the car for yourselves. I think Steve and his friends are perfect examples that a lot of us can look to for inspiration. Even if it's just a painted shell I think it's going to be great for people to see what can be done.

Keep up the great work guys!!
