So i got quite a bit done tonight but it is just a pain to do. Since i had to apply the other coat of rust bullet to the other side i started in on the passenger side restoration. It is quite a bit worse. Here is the original one, as you can see it is rusted even on the outside lip...

Here is an underside shot...

Here it is removed. If you have ever been lucky enough to remove one you will known that there are large missing areas...

I removed the one off the donor section but bent it up pretty good But it is solid so it can be put back into shape...

Here is the roof and quarter seem it is rusted out here as well as some extensive bubbling...

Thinking i would only have to do a roof splice i drilled and cut it off, then i cut the quarter seam too...

Then i hit the area with some rust bullet and will have to wait for it to dry!

I think we might change the project name to project rust bucket