So here is todays update...

To patch the upper roof and quarter panel the lead had to be melted out so i could take measurements from the reference points i used...

Once it was cut out i need to removed the panel from the backside...

Here it is out and laid into place, still have lots of trimming to do, i cut it much larger than needed just in case because there is no room for error here...

Also Finished welding the other sides up. It just needs some grinding. This will be a huge pain

Also blasted the hump to see the full extent of damages to it, not to bad but still needs attention...

Greg hit the inner roof area with some rust bullet...

Ryan started to strip paint from the cowl...

And thats all for today...

For any followers, i am just curious what you think a body shop would have charged for the amount of metal work done so for, just in labor