Not in the Buick.....but I ran a factory Ford housing AND a factory Ford Nodular center section in my GTX when it was going 5.20s at 3300lbs. That same housing and center are now under my 63 Dodge

"No factory parts" argument is where the "purists" start talking out both sides of their mouth though. No factory parts in that GM tranny or Ford rear, yet those same guys are FIRST to lay claim to a Top Fuel Hemi, being a Mopar engine........really?......what part of those is "factory"?......oh yeah, the basic "design" of the block and heads.......but apparently that same argument is NOT allowed for other brands. Shouldn't matter who or what company "designed" it, as long as it works

And lets not forget that many of our prized Mopars, came from the factory, with heaven forbid, Saginaw designed steering parts, I believe that is a GM owned company..........LOL!!!

Also, while I hate to let a pesky thing likes FACTS get in the way of a good internet debate, lets look at a few. First, DANA is in no way shape or form affiliated with Chrysler, other than being an aftermarket parts supplier for them, the same as they were for GM, Ford, International and others. Two, DANA 60s were TRUCK rears, plain and simple, and it what they were designed for. So when the engineers at Chrysler decided their own in house hipo rear, the 8.75 was likely NOT strong enough to put behind their higher HP offerings, they opted to let DANA supply a somewhat lighter version of their 60 series truck axle for a passenger car application. It worked great, was strong, albeit heavy. Also kept Chrysler from having to totally redesign the 8.75 or start from scratch. The DANA 60 was put in Chrysler passenger cars for VERY FEW years in the total scheme of things, yet that didn't stop MOPAR guys from instantly adopting DANA as a MOPAR thing, when in reality DANA did just as much or more business with all the other brands. So Chrysler elected to go the OTHER route for a hipo rear, Ford stuck with their own design, just beefed it and GM upped the 10 bolt to a 12 bolt. So you can look at it a couple ways. One was that Chysler did the easy thing, or the other was they did the smart thing, or maybe both, but it worked out well. But either way you look at it, the fact that DANAs were in Chrysler passenger cars for a few years, makes DANA no more of a Mopar rear, than it is a Chevy or Ford rear. It is simply an aftermarket rear that Chrysler chose to use. If they had chosen to use ANY other brand, I sure we would see the same arguments. "It's a Mopar, so it HAS to have (insert brand here) rear".........LOL!!!


Party pooper.